Data Format
Projection: UTM 17N (WGS84)
Spatial Resolution: 1km×1km
Temporal Resolution: Hourly (UTC)
Dimensions (row×col×timestep): 610×716×24 for a day, 610×716×24×Days for a month
Data Format: Real*4
Unit: (see the table below)
Missing data are represented as: -9999.
Filenames Convention: VariableName.bin (see the table below)
The “VariableName” corresponding to the abbreviation used for each variable is provided in the table below. The digital elevation model (DEM), soil hydraulic parameters, and the domain latitude and longitude coordinates at grid center are provided in Ascii files and can be accessed here .
Table - Summary of the Datasets for IPHEx-HAP(H4SE)
Data Source | Input Fields | File Name | SIZE | FORMAT | Unit |
STATSGO | Saturated hydraulic conductivity | HydroCond.txt | N×M | ASCII | m/s |
Porosity | Poro.txt | N×M | ASCII | m 3 /m 3 | |
Field capacity | FieldCapa.txt | N×M | ASCII | m 3 /m 3 | |
Wilting point | WiltPot.txt | N×M | ASCII | m 3 /m 3 | |
MODIS | Albedo | Albedo.bin | N×M×T | BIN | - |
Emissivity | Emissivity.bin | N×M×T | BIN | - | |
Fractional vegetation coverage | CV.bin | N×M×T | BIN | - | |
Leaf area index | LAI.bin | N×M×T | BIN | - | |
NARR | Specific humidity at 10m ABG | SpecHumi_10m.bin | N×M×T | BIN | kg/kg |
Air temperature at 10m ABG | AirTemp_10m.bin | N×M×T | BIN | K | |
Air pressure at 10m ABG | AirPressure_10m.bin | N×M×T | BIN | mb | |
Wind velocity at 10m ABG | WindSpeed_10m.bin | N×M×T | BIN | m/s | |
Incoming longwave radiation at surface | DLWR_surf.bin | N×M×T | BIN | W/m 2 | |
Incoming shortwave radiation at surface | DSWR_surf.bin | N×M×T | BIN | W/m 2 | |
Stage IV and TRMM 3B42 | Precipitation | Precip_StageIV_Bi.bin Precip_StageIV_TF.bin Precip_StageIV_TF_GC.bin Precip_TRMM_TF.bin Precip_TRMM_TF_GC.bin | N×M×T | BIN | mm/hr |
Sample Code - Fortran and Matlab
Both Fortran and Matlab versions of a sample program for reading the binary files are provided below. Note the sample code is provided to read hourly data by day, and thus the time step is 24 hours. If reading hourly data by month, the time step should be 24×Days in that month. The output data matrix has dimensions of col×row×timestep.
a) Fortran code
PARAMETER (Nrow = 610, Ncol = 716, Ntimestep = 24)
REAL Rain(Ncol, Nrow, Ntimestep)
OPEN(1,File=filename, Form='UNFORMATTED', Access='DIRECT',
& Recl=4, Status='OLD')
irec = 1
DO 10 t = 1, Ntimestep
DO 20 i = 1, Nrow
DO 30 j = 1, Ncol
READ( 1, Rec=Irec ) Rain(j,i,t)
irec = irec + 1
b) Matlab code
row = 610; col = 716; tstep = 24;
fid = fopen(filename,'rb','ieee-le');
tmpdata = fread(fid,inf,'single');
rainfall = reshape(tmpdata,col,row,tstep); %[col,row,tstep]